The next InnoRail Conference takes place in Budapest from 14-16 October 2015


The first InnoRail conference was held in October 2013, and attracted 303 participants from 18 countries. 14 speakers from Hungary and 32 from other countries shared their views on various fields of railway infrastructure, discussing practical issues and presenting novel innovative developments, tools and methods.

Safe rail transport is a priority of the European Union. It has trebled the funds available for research and development for the European railway network. InnoRail hopes to contribute to this through organizing this European rail conference.

This year’s InnoRail Conference will include rail experts from all over the world. InnoRail 2015 is expected to attract designers, contractors, suppliers and scientists.

Some of the topics to be include in this year’s InnoRail include:

  • Infrastructure construction and management
  • Telecommunication, signalling, traffic management
  • Energy supply, catenaries and lighting technology
  • Rolling stock development, production, operation and maintenance
  • Rail bridges and structures

Visit InnoRail for more details and booking information